Buy Gourmet Olive Oils



The Truth About California Olive Oil

California olive oil is derived from the olive fruit (yes, the fruit, surprise!) and is oil that is commonly used in all forms of cooking. There is olive oil used for cooking, as well as in various other industries. The California olive oil that you use in cooking may be applied to foods that are baked, grilled, fried, or dipped. Depending on the type of California olive oil you use, the taste of the food will be affected. That said, you might be wondering what type of California olive oil should you use and what type you should avoid when it comes time for supper.

Try and think of great California olive oil as three different flavors: delicate, fruity or robust. Much like wine, California olive oil can impact the flavor of various foods, either enhancing or downplaying the effect. The difference is whereas wine is complementary to the taste of the meal, when you use California olive oil you are directly affecting the taste of the meal. Certain types of California olive oil may not cook well with dishes that are grilled, baked of cooked—whereas other kinds will make your meal delicious.

What does the term quality California olive oil mean, especially when compared to other state-produced or international olive oil? California olive oil is of an exquisite quality, as the state of California has strict guidelines as to what is advertised as olive oil, as well as how the oil is grown, extracted and bottled. California olive oil is fresh, whereas some international bottles may be half a year old by the time it reaches your supermarket.

If you are looking for the highest quality California olive oil visit, a family owned business since 1956, that has been producing fine quality fruits and vegetables ever since.


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